Gabriel Bajcic


King-Kong-Kicks – Indie Pop Floor


King Kong Kicks is a collective of – how many are there by now? – creative chaos-makers who have nothing but the night on their minds during the day. In dark clubs, they generate warmth and energy, inviting forgetfulness and watering the most beautiful flowers with chilled drinks. King Kong Kicks shares the latest indie gem with you, yet also – if the vibe demands it – not shying away from belting out the big pop anthem to create those special moments. King Kong Kicks is the wink in your playlist and the taste compass that sometimes goes wild and nuts in perfect timing. King Kong Kicks is the collective that feels at home in the indie bubble yet loves to break free, experience adventures, take you by the hand, and redefines the word “party” with you, creating a “we” and celebrating life… because with us, it’s no longer ordinary.