



With “Tales of the Tides”, the global folk band Bukahara presents its most homogenous music to date. The album by Germany’s biggest unknown band is based on longing roots music and is characterized by a post-migrant, cross-border and free self-image. Bukahara are now taking it to the biggest halls and also to our festival stage! How language can be misused can be seen in the etymological history of the seemingly harmless word “flood”: The term actually describes nothing more than the rising of water, here in particular: the sea water level as part of the tides. A harmonious, extremely natural process in the interplay of the moon, sun and the rotation of the earth, which we learn about in elementary school at the latest. Since ancient times, however, dystopian narratives of upheaval have repeatedly been accompanied by metaphorical or actual floods, and the myths of many world cultures are teeming with ominous floods aka deluges, usually as divine punishment for human misconduct. And of course, we are also currently living in a time in which the word flood is experiencing an increasingly negative reframing – and that brings us to Bukahara and their fantastic album “Tales of The Tides”.